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National Book Development Council Of Sin

Summerset Abbey

Summerset Abbey - T.J. Brown Summerset Abbey is a turn of the century historical novel. I won't say it is a historical romance novel even though there are undertones of romance throughout this story. Three young women are rocked by the death of a loved one, forced to leave the home and lifestyle in which they have grown up and betrayed by their own family. Victoria, Prudence and Rowena must face new challenges and heartache as they discover themselves and solve the mystery surrounding Prudence's true identity. First, I love historical novels. There, I said it. However, I do not like all that I have read. Most are focused on the damsel in distress to be saved by the rakish lord of the manor. Summerset Abbey is not that kind of a novel. T. J. Brown was able to turn the three young women, who had lived the life of privilege without most of the social norms, to turn into stronger, independent women of the era. She mentions suffrage and the New Woman, two key terms in this period of history, and the move from automobiles to aeroplanes. She also brings into play the limitations on families in each socio-economic level and the disparity between the classes that still existed during the period. Issues as mundane as smoking and drinking, as females were not supposed to smoke at all and only drink small quantities of certain liquors, are integrated without much effort. Great touches. I am looking forward to reading more about the women in book two.