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National Book Development Council Of Sin

Surf's Up, Geronimo! (Geronimo Stilton Series #20)

Surf's Up, Geronimo! - Geronimo Stilton Although I normally LOVE Geronimo Stilton books for their cultural, physical information and the entertaining way in which the books are written, I felt this one was not as good. Premise: Geronimo feels it is time for a vacation and his cousin agrees. Cousin Trap leads Geronimo to a shady-looking travel agency and then teams up to bully Geronimo into buying an over-priced vacation that turns into a horrendous affair. The plane is dirty, the food inedible, the hotel roach infested, the beach over-crowded, the ocean laden with sharks. The vacation is horrible!My issue with this book is how much bullying takes place and how easily Geronimo allows it to happen. His cousin, the travel agent, the staff at the airline, the hotel, and even his sister, Thea, bullies Geronimo. The books provide great vocabulary and usually information on the location or adventure in the book. This particular one fell short for me.