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I Kissed Dating Goodbye: A New Attitude Toward Relationships and Romance
Joshua Harris
Invisible (An Ivy Malone Mystery Book, #1)
Lorena McCourtney
Revisiting The Reading Workshop: Management, Mini-Lessons, & Strategies
Barbara Orehove, Barbara Orehovec, Marybeth Alley
Look Again
Lisa Scottoline
Dog Whisperer: The Ghost
Nicholas Edwards
Living and Dying in the Hamptons
T.L. Ingham
Murder and Mischief in the Hamptons
T.L. Ingham
A Guide to Writing of Children's Books: Proceedings of the Writers' Workshop on Children's Books
National Book Development Council Of Sin

Bluffing the Devil

Bluffing the Devil - C.L. Foster Alexia has suffered a loss and as a result she has decided to become a professional poker player. She is actually quite good at it but still has some insecurities. A poker trip with her three besties leads her on a wild-ish ride of self-discovery.Sounds good, right? It was. I only had a couple of problems reading the book but it stemmed from one flaw. It could have, and should have, been longer. Really. The story wasn't full enough for me to become invested in the characters. I would have liked to get to know Alexia and hr friends a bit more before discovering who she and her friends were. I think this is the making of a better book. As you can see from the 4 stars I gave it; however, it was still a good book that I was able to read in a couple of hours and enjoy.